Documentaries: 'BREXIT'

The first thing we wanted to do once we had decided that the topic of our documentary was going to be on BREXIT was to improve our personal knowledge of the topic. In this section I am going to give a brief overview of what BREXIT is and how it came about. This will help us select questions for our interviewee.

The Vote:

  • The referendum was held on 23rd June 2016, with the announcement of the result on the 24th.

  • 51.9% of the UK voted in favour of leaving the EU, while the other 48.1% voted to remain within the EU.

  • Shortly after the result was announced, a petition receiving over 4 million signatures for a second referendum was made, however this was rejected by the government on 9th July 2016.
  • After the result was declared, Prime minister David Cameron announced he would resign by October 2016.
  • He had believed that the majority would have voted to remain.
  • The vote turn out was even bigger than that of the general election.

Resetching into BREXIT before we started to film our documentary ensured that we fully understood what our documentary was about, which I believed helped us to create the documentary that we did.

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